Slow crush(be)

Embodying the essence of compelling abrasive shoegaze, Slow Crush emerged from Leuven, Belgium, in 2017. Founded by vocalist/bassist Isa Holliday, the band skillfully navigates the aesthetics of contrasting sounds – heavy like a gloomy dream, yet soothingly vibrant.

Isa Holliday's vulnerable soft floating voice, hailing from Manchester, weaves through layers of grungy shoegaze-soaked noisepop, offering a sonic refuge from a tumultuous world.

We are thrilled to welcome Slow Crush exclusively to the Grauzone festival. Their enthralling blend of contrasting elements promises an unforgettable experience, as they bring their unique soundscapes to our stage. Get ready to immerse yourself in the captivating world of Slow Crush – a journey through emotion and sonic exploration.

Bandcamp / Instagram

Date: Friday February 9
Time: 17:30-18:30
Location: Paard, Main Stage